    I just read your first issue of AmigaLink and I like it.  You are
 doing somethings that AmigaReport should have tried long ago.  Back that
 up?  Well... Coder's Clinic, Paint Tutorial, and Emplant. This should give
 me away as one of those 'how to do it' people, who first turns to the
 "hints and tips" articles in mags.
    I'd really like to see more PD software reviews- all types.  I really
 don't buy Amiga software at stores (even if I still could) because of all
 the good shareware and giftware titles available.  Here's some examples of
 stuff I use now vice the store bought software:

 GED             CED
 REORG           guess a couple titles like QBTools could go here
 DISKSALV        well same as above
 TERM 4.3        tried NComm and JrComm... tried only
 RO .91          This is like Dopus... many updates but is coming along
 MRBackup        QuarterBack
 VMM             Gigamem
 AmiTCP          ????

     Guess I could go on for awhile.  I'd like to see more on this Emplant
 because I'm thinking of getting one.  Hey, about NETBSD... it's a new life
 for my old Amiga, even if UNIX is a pain to learn.  How about using old C=
 Bridge- Boards?  I have a A2386-25 in my 2000 running DOS 6.22 and
 Windows.  I have a SVGA 1meg card, I/O card (128meg IDE, Floppy, gameport,
 serial mouse), and Reveal Sound card w/CDROM inside.  Too slow?  Nope,
 just got the Cryix upgrade Cx486SRx2-25/50 so the A2386 is a 486SX.
 Lastly, (glad?) a indepth look at video cards for the Amiga... I want to
 use it with NETBSD and X-Windows.
    Well, that's all my 'I wants'. Wish you all the luck with AL.  Hey I
 have an Amiga and an IBM... but I only use the IBM for games!
 Michael Greene <michael.greene@exchange.exchange.com>

     Your point on PD/Shareware software is very true.  I have been amazed
in the few months that I've been on the Internet by the amount and quality
of the Amiga PD software on Aminet.  Because of such, I have made an
announcement in this issue as to the fact that Amiga Link is now looking for
a PD editor, to review and write about PD every moth for the magazine.   
     As for writing about emulation, we will write about the Emplant,
because many are interested in that, but we probably not write too much on
emulation, as the audience for that is small.  We'll see what other readers
say about this.

 Dear Ed,
          Here are a couple of suggestions that could help to improve your

 1) As the Internet is one of the worlds largest computer networks and is
 used by millions of people, you could start a section up on that. Not just

 concentrating on the internet but also e-mail facilities as well.
 Magazines available from shops are mainly PC and MAC orientated and don`t
 do the amiga justice.
 2) Break your new product section up a little more, one large block of
 text is hard on the eyes and puts you off reading it, headings and
 paragraphs would be easier to read and would be better if you were
 searching for a particular product.  
     I have a small problem:  I have e-mail facilities, going through pipex
 but no internet access.  On my e-mail, all I can do is send a letter with
 a subject title and a body of text.  Nothing else. I want to subscribe to
 discussion groups from my e-mail terminal but don`t know quite how to go
 about it.  Sorry if its a bit vague but I don`t know that much about
    I`d just like to say that your first magazine is a tribute to you and I
 hope to see it grow even bigger as the readers contribute their views too.
                                         Matt Whiteley

     Some article about the Internet is a good idea.  We will definitely
consider that for the future.  As for the products listing, we may go with
your suggestion.  On the other hand, writing it in the way we did in issue
#1 allowed for more "anaylzation."   
     OK, the Amiga Link letter's column is NOT for techinical questions, but
... You don't use an e-mail program to view newsgroups, you use a newsgroup
viewing program like rtin.

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